Thursday, March 31, 2005

Signified Vegatables

Signified Vegatables

Terry Shiavo, who now get's more google action than anyone alive or dead, will be forgotten in one week. Meanwhile - the right-wing circus roars it's hilarious spectacle like a Fellini like circus (recalling the virgin sighting in La Dolce Vita). The meaning that the churchies brainstormed in under a month's time has no historical relevance - according to a Jesuit scholar, "Sanctity of Life" is a recent term, and one that's being used for this particular agenda (and not one for say - repealing the death penalty in Texas or ending the war in Iraq?)... Yes, I fall victim to the same partialism if I say I support human rights and Amnesty international, but have my logic is reduced to the obvious: These are living people. I also concede that you can draw lines and conclusions as you want, this isn't our business. The "Sanctity of Life" as applied to the personal choices of a family are as rhetorically hollow as the Jesse Jackson media op (and what happened here?). But, the rabid angry fan-base for "SOL" arguments, like Rosanne Barr once said of her middle-american detractors, "Well, at least that's one less person forming the human-fence around the abortion clinic." Unfortunately, they won't go elsewhere.

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