Issiah kicked my ass tonight.. Rightly so. I had to cancel tomorrows 8am session for work reasons, so he combined 2 workouts into one. Plus - we've determined that my girth is not decreasing any and that there's some unrecorded calorie intake or lapsed Cardio session that's not doing the trick. I'm thinking it's some supplement I might be taking, because everything else I do is pretty by the book. Oh well.
In any case - thanks to Beate, I finally managed to dub the finished Dogme film onto video and hand it in to Lilith at Wigglyworld. It's 8 minutes longer than I said it would be (sheepish grin), but I couldn't edit out certain key scenes any more than I already did.... For those of you in Seattle, it's going to be 5/2 - 5/5 (at the Little Theater I can only assume). Go see it! Go see Beate rock out to Sepultura and hug the Bainbridge Ferry. Go see Lyle do his best Crispin Glover off Paxil imitation. Go see me do obscene things with pocket change. Go see James paint his boobies! And tell me what you think... be honest....
2 days ago
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