The straw that broke this camel's back I think happened last Monday -- I've lower back pain right now that's persisted for about a week - and I keep making pain-n-grunting noises and walking funny (like a hunchback puppet). Of course, you would never put my name and sports-related-injury in the same sentence (except perhaps when I used to work for my dad at his clinic). I'm going to have to see someone next week. (That and stop wearing my size-too-big samba's (which is only hurting it more). Oww! Oww!
I'm going out tonight - possibly going to see Gorky's Zygotic Mynci (*yeah, I don't know how to say it either. It's Welsh I think) at the Crocodile, preparty w/Dana and Don. Somewhere this weekend I've got to find time to do laundry and buy some new running shoes...
2 days ago