Well, even though the warmer temperatures bring about an explosion of flowering trees, beachy surf-inspired patterns, flip-flop casual optimism, I can't help but return to this series I kinda half-watched on Tuesday night (*Ok - big lie: i had it on with the sound off on because i was busy gabbing on the phone about other life-breaking issues such as expensive footwear, the state of my bedroom and the status of certain single guys in town)... But anyhoo, I am engaging in Enviroapocolypse Porn. It's known that if you present any kind of future dystopia with Sigourney Weaver narrating in the background, you've immediately got a buy-in. From here on out, I will shower less and recycle more.
And in my own ecosystem, my top floor dwelling is the fractional representation of the earth as it soaks up all the heat. I've taken to putting up a canvas tarp over the skylights so the effect is somewhat Bedouin. I wonder if I should actually put solar panels over the windows and start to generate some serious power for things around here...
2 days ago