Busy long day... I got to work at 7:00 and have been in beta-fish mode (that mode where you know you are swimming in a mud puddle or small glass for the amusement of others)... only to get off at 6:00pm to cab it over to my doctors appt. I arrived obscenely early, and ended up falling asleep on my Irvine Welsh book (for some reason, the phonetic cadences of Edinburgh seemed to lull me into sleep)... I then got my exam, got a clean bill of health... Ian picked me up and we went to Catfish Corner for our fave Bit's and Pups (deep fried, and an extra heap of spicy special tartar sauce - mmmmmmmm!)... I got home kinda late, but not too late to call up my Pop and wish him a happy birthday (HAPPY BIRDAY, POPPA!) before he went to bed... Which is where I should go, because I am tired. So no midnight musings, or nutty links...
Well, ok - just one...
Ikea wants to remind you that this is what can happen if you don't invest in some storage for your...uh toys!
2 days ago
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