Sluggish Slushy sunday. Pile of laundry. Snow has melted... Photoshop tryout has been downloaded only to discover that of course - you can't save files (it's a tryout, silly - of course not...What were you thinking?) Sigh. I could be one of a million tasks and projects (home related, work related) and I've no drive to do them. Coffee ain't helping either...
Ended up seeing Bark last night --- It was suprisingly a good film with a very unsure start... Woman turns into a dog in a kafka-rendition of the Metamorphosis (but actually becomes more of a commentary on living with mental illness). I think the supporting cast (the impeccable Lisa Kudrow) helped make the film more solid - although Heather Morgan's (who also stars in it) script came together at the right moment.
Rachel and I are to go the gym - but I am not sure if either of us is motivated at the moment (and besides, I'm going to train this next week and will get my cardio in then)... But still, I can't help but think that I might get motivated to come back and clean this dump if I manage to get a good 20 minutes on the stairmaster. Funny how the law of inertia works... The minute I open the Sunday NYT and start eating my breakfast, the less I want to do anything -- Just sit around in sweats, listen to KEXP and drink an entire caraffe of coffee.
I love Sundays for this reason...
I also hate them at the same time...
2 days ago
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